We make it easy to get started today...

Learn about different types of membership, the cost of membership and other frequently asked questions.

Take advantage of your REALTOR® membership...

Long after a transaction is over, continue to capitalize on your membership with exclusive member benefits!

Help us make the Northwest Metro Association the best it can be...

NWMAR has a long tradition of member involvement. We have committees that plan everything from member services to our signature events.



The Northwest Metro Association of REALTORS® is committed to providing members with opportunities and resources to enhance professional skills and maximize earnings. Whether you're a new agent seeking support in all things real estate, an experienced broker searching for the answer to a client's question, or somewhere in between, as a member of the Northwest Metro Association of REALTORS®, you have access to a wide array of resources designed to help you succeed in today's market.


A real estate agent is a REALTOR® when he or she becomes a member of the National Association of REALTORS® - the world's largest professional association. The term REALTOR® is a legally registered collective membership mark that identifies a real estate professional who is a member of the National Association of REALTORS® and subscribes to its strict Code of Ethics. When joining the Northwest Metro Association of REALTORS®, membership with the Georgia Association of REALTORS® and the National Association of REALTORS® is gained.


In order to join the Association, you will need to pay the prorated amount of your membership fees and an application fee. NWMAR, GAR's, and NAR's fiscal cycles are based on a calendar year, January 1 - December 31.

New REALTOR® members will pay a $25 application fee in addition to the annual fee listed below.



A REALTOR® is defined as an individual who holds an active real estate or appraiser's license.

REALTORS® also hold membership with the Georgia Association of REALTORS® (GAR) and the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR).


Affiliate Member


An Affiliate is an individual who does not hold an active real estate license but has interests in the real estate profession.

Affiliates also hold membership with the Georgia Association of REALTORS® (GAR).
